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Comparison: Semperit Master-Grip 2 vs. Semperit Speed-Grip 3 SUV

Both of the tyres in this comparison are made by Semperit, which is a brand from Austria. Semperit is a brand that belongs to the Continental group. Semperit is a brand that belongs to the Continental group. In this particular case, the Semperit Master-Grip 2 has a better rating of 43% compared to 27% of the Semperit Speed-Grip 3 SUV. The first tyre test of Semperit Master-Grip 2 was done in 2017, compared to 2020 when was the Semperit Speed-Grip 3 SUV first tested. When it comes to comparison, eu labels can be also interesting - 100% of Semperit Master-Grip 2 dimensions has C wet grip rating. Most (100%) of the Semperit Speed-Grip 3 SUV also have C wet ratings.

# Semperit Master-Grip 2
Semperit Speed-Grip 3 SUV

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DimensionsR13 - R16 R17 - R20
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