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Comparison: Maxxis Premitra HP5 vs. Yokohama Advan Fleva V701

# Maxxis Premitra HP5
Yokohama Advan Fleva V701

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Today we are comparing two popular summer tyres: the Maxxis Premitra HP5 and the Yokohama Advan Fleva V701. Both these tyres are well recognized amongst the users and have been tested under various conditions to gauge their strength and weaknesses.

Starting with the Maxxis Premitra HP5, it scored a respectable 76% in our rating. This tyre managed to secure the 18th position on the Autobild test against a total set of 52 tyres. While the tyre didn't top the charts, maintaining such a position in a large field test is commendable. Unfortunately, there's no newer model that replaced the Maxxis Premitra HP5. To know more about the Maxxis lineup, you may want to check their manufacturer's page.

Turning our attention to the Yokohama Advan Fleva V701, this tyre scored just 51% on our rating. Despite its overall lower score, the tyre performed better in the Autobild test, securing 15th position. Similar to Maxxis, Yokohama hasn't launched a newer model that replaces the Advan Fleva V701 yet. To explore more from Yokohama, do visit their manufacturer's page.

Test Verdict: Both Maxxis Premitra HP5 and Yokohama Advan Fleva V701 have their pros and cons. The Maxxis offers substantial overall performance reflected in our higher rating. The Yokohama, while rating lower, edged higher in mutual positions in the Autobild test. It appears that the ultimate decision lies with specific requirements each driver may have.

The Maxxis Premitra HP5 will be a better option if you are searching for consistent, reliable performance. However, if your focus is on specific testing parameters used in the Autobild test, the Yokohama Advan Fleva V701 might prove to be a better choice.

Regardless of the choice, ensure you always maintain your tyres well for their efficient performance and longer lifespan.

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Mutual tests

Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test111
Maxxis Premitra HP5
Rating: Satisfactory
Yokohama Advan Fleva V701
Rating: Satisfactory
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,228,7
Maxxis Premitra HP536,333,2
Yokohama Advan Fleva V70135,232,9
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Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test1-1-1
Maxxis Premitra HP5
Rating: Satisfactory
Yokohama Advan Fleva V701
Rating: Conditionally recommended
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,134,6
Maxxis Premitra HP535,440,5
Yokohama Advan Fleva V70134,940,2
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