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Comparison: Kumho Ecsta PS71 vs. Pirelli P ZERO

# Kumho Ecsta PS71
Pirelli P ZERO

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Today, we'll be comparing two popular summer tyres: the Kumho Ecsta PS71 and the Pirelli P ZERO. We've carefully analyzed their performances in various testing conditions and compiled results in this in-depth comparison review. So, let's dive right into the strengths and weaknesses of each tyre.

Starting with the Kumho Ecsta PS71, this tyre has an overall rating of 79%. Manufactured by Kumho, it doesn't have any previous or newer models that replaced it. In the AutoBild tyre test, it ranked 18th out of 53 tyres, showing strength in Aquaplaning - cross and Aquaplaning - longitudinal categories. Furthermore, it achieved the 10th position in the ADAC tyre test out of 16 assessed tyres, displaying impressive performance in Aquaplaning - cross, Aquaplaning - longitudinal, and Exterior noise. Lastly, in the ACE tyre test, the Kumho Ecsta PS71 secured the 2nd position out of 11 tested tyres, again performing strongly in Aquaplaning - cross, Aquaplaning - longitudinal, and Exterior noise.

On the other hand, the Pirelli P ZERO, made in Italy, boasts an overall rating of 88% and is manufactured by Pirelli. Like the Ecsta PS71, the Pirelli P ZERO does not have any previous or newer models. In the AutoBild tyre test, it ranked an impressive 4th out of 53 tyres, demonstrating excellent Dry handling abilities. Moreover, the P ZERO ranked 12th in the ADAC tyre test out of 16 tyres, showcasing its strengths in Dry braking, Dry driving behavior, Safety, Exterior noise, Wet circle cornering, and Wet handling. Finally, in the ACE tyre test, it achieved the 7th position out of 11 tyres assessed, excelling in Dry braking, Dry driving behavior, Wet circle cornering, and Wet handling - objective.

Based on data from the mutual tests, it is evident that the Pirelli P ZERO outperforms the Kumho Ecsta PS71 overall. While the Kumho Ecsta PS71 exhibits its strengths principally in aquaplaning and noise performance, the Pirelli P ZERO delivers remarkable results in dry handling, wet handling, braking, and driving behavior, as well as noise performance.

In conclusion, if you prioritize handling and braking in both dry and wet conditions, the Pirelli P ZERO is your better option. However, if you're more concerned about aquaplaning resistance and exterior noise, the Kumho Ecsta PS71 might be the right choice for you.

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Mutual tests

Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test32,128,7
Kumho Ecsta PS7134,929
Pirelli P ZERO34,834,6
Show test details
Name WetDryNoiseWearFuel consumption
Best values in test1,71,32,82,01,6
Kumho Ecsta PS71
Rating: Satisfactory
Pirelli P ZERO
Rating: Satisfactory
1,81,3 2,93,02,7
Show test details
Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test111
Kumho Ecsta PS71
Rating: Satisfactory
Pirelli P ZERO
Rating: Good
1- 2+3+
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,228,7
Kumho Ecsta PS7137,131,6
Pirelli P ZERO35,128,9
Show test details
Name Points totalWetDryRolling resistanceNoise
Best values in test1505539147
Kumho Ecsta PS71
Rating: Recommended
149674414 9
Pirelli P ZERO
Rating: Recommended
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