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Comparison: Kleber Dynaxer UHP vs. Nexen N fera Sport

# Kleber Dynaxer UHP
Nexen N fera Sport

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In this comparison, we will be looking at two summer tyres: the Kleber Dynaxer UHP and the Nexen N fera Sport. Both tyres have their strengths and weaknesses, and the aim is to provide a comprehensive overview to help you choose the right tyre for your needs. We will be considering test results and reviews from Autobild and summarizing the data to give a clear verdict on these tyres. Remember to check the Kleber and Nexen websites for more information on these tyres and their manufacturers.

The Kleber Dynaxer UHP is a summer tyre with a rating of 66% on our website. It has a focus on reduced exterior noise and does not have any previous models or newer tyre models that have replaced it. On the other hand, the Nexen N fera Sport is a summer UHP (Ultra High Performance) tyre with an 86% rating on our website. It is made in the Czech Republic and is a first equipment tyre for the BMW 2-series Active Tourer. Despite its high performance, the Nexen N fera Sport does not have any previous models or newer tyre models that have replaced it.

In the Autobild 2023 test, the Kleber Dynaxer UHP achieved good mileage and low exterior noise. However, it had mediocre grip and reduced lateral support in wet conditions, as well as limited aquaplaning reserves. The Nexen N fera Sport offered short dry braking distances and low exterior noise, along with a moderate price. Its downside was understeering handling behavior and an average mileage performance.

In the Autobild test, the Kleber Dynaxer UHP ranked 13th out of 50 tyres, with its best features being exterior noise reduction. The Nexen N fera Sport, on the other hand, ranked 7th, with its best features being longitudinal aquaplaning, wet braking, and a moderate price. It is clear that the Nexen N fera Sport performs better in tests overall, but the Kleber Dynaxer UHP has its advantages in terms of noise reduction and mileage performance.


The Kleber Dynaxer UHP is a suitable choice if you are looking for a tyre with low exterior noise and good mileage performance. However, it does have its drawbacks in terms of grip and aquaplaning resistance in wet conditions. For more information, visit the Kleber Dynaxer UHP page.

The Nexen N fera Sport is a better choice overall for those who prioritize handling, braking, aquaplaning resistance, and a moderate price. Although its mileage performance is average, it offers excellent performance in various conditions. For more information, visit the Nexen N fera Sport page.

Ultimately, your choice of tyre will depend on your specific driving needs and preferences. Keep these factors in mind when deciding between the Kleber Dynaxer UHP and the Nexen N fera Sport.

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Mutual tests

Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test2+1-1
Kleber Dynaxer UHP
Rating: Satisfactory
Nexen N Fera Sport
Rating: Satisfactory
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test58.124.8
Kleber Dynaxer UHP64.528
Nexen N Fera Sport63.227.2
Show test details
Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test11-1
Kleber Dynaxer UHP
Rating: Satisfactory
Nexen N fera Sport
Rating: Exemplary
21- 2-
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test32,128,7
Kleber Dynaxer UHP34,132,2
Nexen N fera Sport33,230,9
Show test details