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Comparison: GoodYear Vector 4Seasons Gen-3 vs. Bridgestone Weather Control A005 EVO

# GoodYear Vector 4Seasons Gen-3
Bridgestone Weather Control A005 EVO

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Under a comparison, the GoodYear Vector 4Seasons Gen-3 and the Bridgestone Weather Control A005 EVO are two high-quality tyres by Goodyear and Bridgestone respectively. Both make excellent choices for drivers, however, their performance varies slightly under different conditions.

The GoodYear Vector 4Seasons Gen-3, successor to the Goodyear Vector 4Seasons and Goodyear Vector 4Seasons Gen-2, is fabricated in Slovenia and France. With an overall rating of 92%, it offers excellent grip in wet conditions with short braking distances and high aquaplaning resistance. Even in the snow, this tyre offers outstanding braking and handling - however, its performance wanes slightly with lower snow traction and longer dry braking distances. This tyre was generally ranked 3rd or 4th in mutual tyre tests.

Contrarily, the Bridgestone Weather Control A005 EVO, produced in Hungary and Italy, holds a rating of 75%. It provides excellent grip in wet and dry conditions, good aquaplaning resistance, and impressively, the lowest rolling resistance on test. However, its snow performance is notably limited, with exceedingly long snow braking, the lowest traction, and the most challenging snow handling. Additionally, it records the highest internal noise. In mutual tyre tests, it secured the 2nd or 3rd place.

In an overall assessment, the GoodYear Vector 4Seasons Gen-3 proved superior with its high aquaplaning resistance, outstanding snow braking, and wet handling - despite its relatively higher rolling resistance. On the other hand, the Bridgestone Weather Control A005 EVO shines brighter with its wet braking, remarkably lower rolling resistance, and excellent grip in the wet and dry.

Ultimately, the choice between the two would depend on individual driving conditions and preferences. The GoodYear Vector 4Seasons Gen-3 is slightly advantaged in the overall tests. But the Bridgestone Weather Control A005 EVO's stellar wet and dry performance paired with the least rolling resistance makes it a good fit for drivers stationed in regions with limited snowfall.

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Mutual tests

Best values in test1
GoodYear Vector 4Seasons Gen-3
Rating: Highly recommended
Bridgestone Weather Control A005 EVO1
Show test details
Name Points totalWetDrySnow
Best values in test102.7104,8104,5102,7
Goodyear Vector 4Seasons Gen-3100100,4100,4100,3
Bridgestone Weather Control A005 EVO101,8104,8 102,599,2
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test39,944,4
Goodyear Vector 4Seasons Gen-343,946,8
Bridgestone Weather Control A005 EVO41,444,4
Show test details
Name WetDrySnowRunning costs
Best values in test1-2+1-1
Goodyear Vector 4Seasons Gen-3
Rating: Satisfactory
1- 21- 2+
Bridgestone Weather Control A005 EVO
Rating: Conditionally recommended
Show test details
Name WinterWetDryRolling resistanceNoise
Best values in test636446199
Goodyear Vector 4Seasons Gen-3
Rating: Recommended
Bridgestone Weather Control A005 EVO
Rating: Conditionally recommended
2864 44188
Show test details
Name WetDrySnowRolling resistanceWear
Best values in test2+2+2+11
Goodyear Vector 4Seasons Gen-3
Rating: Test winner
2+ 22+ 21-
Bridgestone Weather Control A005 EVO
Rating: Satisfactory
22+ 223+
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test37,650
Goodyear Vector 4Seasons Gen-341,950,7
Bridgestone Weather Control A005 EVO41,452,9
Show test details
Name WetDrySnow
Best values in test12+1
Goodyear Vector 4Seasons Gen-3
Rating: Exemplary
Bridgestone Weather Control A005 EVO
Rating: Exemplary
1- 2+ 2
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