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Comparison: Fulda SportControl 2 vs. Michelin Pilot Sport 4

# Fulda SportControl 2
Michelin Pilot Sport 4

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In this tyre comparison, we will look at the Fulda SportControl 2 and the Michelin Pilot Sport 4. Both models are summer tyres and have been tested by Autobild and Autobild 2022.

The Fulda SportControl 2 is a solid performer with a rating of 84%. According to Autobild, this tyre's strengths are aquaplaning (cross), comfort, exterior noise, rolling resistance, and dry handling. In the 2022 test, the SportControl 2 received praise for its secure driving characteristics on wet and dry surfaces, good aquaplaning resistance, short dry braking distances, low rolling resistance, and comfortable ride. However, the tyre also had some weaknesses, including longer wet braking distances, average lateral guidance on dry surfaces, and indirect steering response.

On the other hand, the Michelin Pilot Sport 4 holds a higher rating of 94% and has been replaced by the Michelin Pilot Sport 5. The Pilot Sport 4 has built on the success of the previous Michelin Pilot Sport 3 model. In the Autobild test, the Pilot Sport 4 performed exceptionally well, ranking 2 out of 53 tyres. Its best features include dry handling, comfort, rolling resistance, aquaplaning (Longitudinal and cross), dry braking, and wet handling. Autobild 2022 praised the tyre for its premium performance, especially its dynamic driving characteristics on dry surfaces, direct steering with good feedback, secure wet handling, and short wet and dry braking distances. The only downside mentioned was the high price.

Comparing the two tyres, it becomes evident that the Michelin Pilot Sport 4 is the better performer out of the two, particularly in mutual tests. Thanks to its exceptional dry handling, braking, aquaplaning resistance, and wet handling capabilities. However, it comes at a higher price than the Fulda SportControl 2, which still offers good performance in various aspects, making it a decent, more budget-friendly option for those who prioritize comfort and rolling resistance.

In conclusion, the Michelin Pilot Sport 4 is the overall winner in our comparison, offering better performance in most aspects. Nonetheless, the Fulda SportControl 2 remains a suitable choice for drivers looking for quality tyres at a more affordable price. For more information, visit their respective manufacturer pages: Fulda and Michelin.

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Mutual tests

Name WetDry
Best values in test2+1-
Fulda SportControl 2
Rating: Satisfactory
Michelin Pilot Sport 4
Rating: Exemplary
2+ 1-
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Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test11-1
Fulda SportControl 2
Rating: Good
Michelin Pilot Sport 4
Rating: Exemplary
1- 1- 2-
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test32,128,7
Fulda SportControl 234,231,7
Michelin Pilot Sport 432,1 29,8
Show test details
Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test111
Fulda SportControl 2
Rating: Exemplary
Michelin Pilot Sport 4
Rating: Exemplary
1 1 1-
Show test details
Name WetDry
Best values in test1-1-
Fulda SportControl 2
Rating: Satisfactory
Michelin Pilot Sport 4
Rating: Exemplary
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,228,7
Fulda SportControl 235,132
Michelin Pilot Sport 434,2 29,6
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