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Comparison: Falken EUROALL SEASON AS200 vs. Falken EuroALL Season AS210

Both of the tyres in this comparison are made by Falken, which is a brand from Japan. In this particular case, the Falken EuroALL Season AS210 has a better rating of 73% compared to 21% of the Falken EUROALL SEASON AS200. The first tyre test of Falken EUROALL SEASON AS200 was done in 2016, compared to 2018 when was the Falken EuroALL Season AS210 first tested. When it comes to comparison, eu labels can be also interesting - 100% of Falken EUROALL SEASON AS200 has C wet grip rating, whereas 67% of Falken EuroALL Season AS210 has B rating.

Falken EuroALL Season AS210

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DimensionsR13 - R18 R13 - R20
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