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Comparison: tyres similar to Sava Intensa UHP 2

Looking for a comparison of Sava Intensa UHP 2 to tyres that are made in similar dimensions? Here you can find detailed information based on tests, reviews and manufacturer's data.

# Sava Intensa UHP 2
Semperit Speed-Life 3
Fulda SportControl 2
Uniroyal RainSport 5
Uniroyal RainSport 3
BFGoodrich Advantage
Kumho Ecsta PS71
Debica Presto UHP2
Firestone Roadhawk

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DimensionsR17 - R20 R15 - R21 R17 - R20 R15 - R21 R14 - R20 R14 - R20 R16 - R22 R17 - R18 R15 - R21

In this comparison, we will take a closer look at two summer tyres from well-known manufacturers, the Sava Intensa UHP 2 and the Semperit Speed-Life 3. We will summarize the data from various tests and provide a verdict about the strengths and weaknesses of each tyre.

Sava Intensa UHP 2

The Intensa UHP 2 is a summer tyre from Sava, replacing the previous model, the Sava Intensa UHP. It comes with a rating of 76% on our website. In the Autobild test, the Sava Intensa UHP 2 took the 15th position out of 51 tested tyres. Autobild's 2018 test summary highlighted that this tyre offers "very good safety reserves in aquaplaning, stable driving behavior on dry roads, short wet and dry braking distances, good comfort, and an affordable price." However, it also mentioned that the tyre has "limited mileage."

In the 2021 ADAC test, the Sava Intensa UHP 2 was ranked 12th out of 17, with its best feature being noise reduction. Testers found it to be "good on dry surfaces" and having a "relatively low exterior noise." On the downside, the tyre suffers from "slightly increased wear" and "weaknesses in wet conditions."

Semperit Speed-Life 3

The Speed-Life 3 is a summer tyre from Semperit and the successor to the Semperit Speed-Life. With a rating of 81% on our website, the tyre fared relatively better in tests. In the Autobild test, it took the 43rd position out of 51 tested tyres.

In the 2021 ADAC test, the Semperit Speed-Life 3 was ranked 10th out of 17. Its strengths include mileage and wet braking performance. Testers praised the tyre's "top marks in wet conditions" and "top marks in wear." However, the tyre suffered from "weaknesses on dry surfaces."


Overall, both tyres have their own strengths and weaknesses. The Sava Intensa UHP 2 offers good safety reserves in aquaplaning, stable driving behavior on dry roads, and good comfort at a relatively lower price. However, it suffers from limitations in mileage and weaknesses in wet conditions. On the other hand, the Semperit Speed-Life 3 excels in wet conditions, offers top-notch mileage, and has excellent wet braking performance, but it struggles on dry surfaces.

Based on mutual test positions, the Semperit Speed-Life 3 is a better choice overall, especially if driving in wet conditions is a priority. However, if you are more concerned about driving stability on dry surfaces and are on a budget, the Sava Intensa UHP 2 might be a better option for you. Ultimately, the choice will depend on your specific driving needs and preferences.

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Dimensions and prices

Mutual tests

Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test58.124.8
Sava Intensa UHP 261.727.4
Semperit Speed-Life 371.231.3
Fulda SportControl 263.929
Uniroyal RainSport 563.926.5
Kumho Ecsta PS7161.726.6
Firestone Roadhawk67.730.9
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test35,727,5
Sava Intensa UHP 236,329,8
Semperit Speed-Life 34033,1
Fulda SportControl 236,529,4
Uniroyal RainSport 538,433,5
BFGoodrich Advantage36,331
Debica Presto UHP236,529,8
Firestone Roadhawk37,732,8
Show test details
Name WetDryNoiseWear
Best values in test2,01,52,61,5
Sava Intensa UHP 2
Rating: Satisfactory
3,12,02,6 2,5
Semperit Speed-Life 3
Rating: Satisfactory
2,0 2,92,91,5
Kumho Ecsta PS71
Rating: Good
Firestone Roadhawk
Rating: Poor
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