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Comparison: Bridgestone Potenza Sport vs. Bridgestone Turanza T005

Both of the tyres in this comparison are made by Bridgestone, which is a brand from Japan. In this particular case, the Bridgestone Potenza Sport has a better rating of 92% compared to 89% of the Bridgestone Turanza T005. The first tyre test of Bridgestone Potenza Sport was done in 2021, compared to 2018 when was the Bridgestone Turanza T005 first tested. When it comes to comparison, eu labels can be also interesting - 100% of Bridgestone Potenza Sport dimensions has A wet grip rating. Most (82%) of the Bridgestone Turanza T005 also have A wet ratings. If you wonder where the tyres in question are made, the Potenza Sport is made in Poland/Hungary and Turanza T005 is made in Hungary/Poland/France/Italy.

# Bridgestone Potenza Sport
Bridgestone Turanza T005

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DimensionsR17 - R22 R14 - R22
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