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Comparison: Pirelli Scorpion Winter vs. Sava Eskimo HP2

In this comparison, we are comparing a tyre from a manufacturer from Italy (Pirelli) against a tyre from a manufacturer from Slovenia (Sava). Sava is a brand that belongs to the GoodYear group. Generally, Pirelli winter tyres are slightly better rated (68%) than Sava (61%). In this particular case, the Sava Eskimo HP2 has a better rating of 75% compared to 53% of the Pirelli Scorpion Winter. The first tyre test of Pirelli Scorpion Winter was done in 2015, compared to 2017 when was the Sava Eskimo HP2 first tested. Important for this comparison is also the ADAC 2017 215/65 R16 test, where both the Scorpion Winter and the Eskimo HP2 were tested. When it comes to comparison, eu labels can be also interesting - 53% of Pirelli Scorpion Winter has B wet grip rating, whereas 57% of Sava Eskimo HP2 has C rating.

# Pirelli Scorpion Winter
Sava Eskimo HP2

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DimensionsR16 - R22 R15 - R18
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Mutual tests

Name WetDrySnowIceNoiseWearFuel consumption
Best values in test2,12,01,92,33,10,51,4
Pirelli Scorpion Winter
Rating: Satisfactory
2,1 2,12,72,73,62,52,8
Sava Eskimo HP2
Rating: Satisfactory
2,72,42,52,3 3,61,51,7
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