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Comparison: Nokian WR Snowproof P vs. Esa-Tecar Super Grip Pro

In this comparison, we are comparing a tyre from a manufacturer from Finland (Nokian) against a tyre from a manufacturer from Switzerland (Esa-Tecar). Generally, Esa-Tecar winter tyres are slightly better rated (57%) than Nokian (52%). In this particular case, the Esa-Tecar Super Grip Pro has a better rating of 60% compared to 50% of the Nokian WR Snowproof P. The first tyre test of Nokian WR Snowproof P was done in 2021, compared to 2020 when was the Esa-Tecar Super Grip Pro first tested.

# Nokian WR Snowproof P
Esa-Tecar Super Grip Pro

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DimensionsR17 - R21
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