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Comparison: Maxxis Premitra HP5 vs. Pirelli P ZERO

# Maxxis Premitra HP5
Pirelli P ZERO

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Today's comparison is between two popular summer tyres: the Maxxis Premitra HP5 and the Pirelli P ZERO. We will be summarizing the data from various tests to give our verdict on the strengths and weaknesses of each tyre and their overall performance. Both tyres have been tested by Autobild, ACE, and Automotorsport.

Starting with the Maxxis Premitra HP5, it claims an overall rating of 85% on our tyre tests website. This tyre is not part of any specific subType and was not chosen as original equipment (OE) by any car manufacturers. Produced by Maxxis, the Premitra HP5's best features are its exterior noise and dry handling, as evaluated by the Autobild and ACE tests.

In the Autobild comparison of 53 tyres, the Maxxis Premitra HP5 ranked at position 20. Its best feature in this test was the exterior noise. On the other hand, the ACE mutual comparison placed this tyre at position 6 out of 11. Dry handling was noted as its best feature in this test. Lastly, in the Automotorsport test, the Maxxis Premitra HP5 ranked at position 10 among the total 10 tyres tested. No specific strengths were mentioned in this test.

Moving on to the Pirelli P ZERO, it has an overall rating of 88% on our tyre tests website. This summer tyre, made in Italy by Pirelli, does not fall under any subType category and is not used as OE either. The P ZERO has quite a few strong points, including dry handling, dry braking, wet braking, wet circle cornering, and wet handling.

In the Autobild comparison, the Pirelli P ZERO ranked at an impressive position 4 out of 53 tested tyres. It received praise for several features like dry handling, dry braking, wet braking, wet circle cornering, and wet handling. In the ACE mutual test, the P ZERO ranked at position 7 out of 11, with its strengths in dry braking, dry driving behavior, wet circle cornering, and wet handling being noted. Finally, the Automotorsport ranking placed the Pirelli P ZERO at a strong position 2 out of 10 tested tyres.

Verdict: Overall, the Pirelli P ZERO has a slight edge over the Maxxis Premitra HP5 in terms of performance, rankings, and strengths in various tests. That being said, the Maxxis Premitra HP5 is still a good choice with attributes like lower exterior noise and dry handling. Ultimately, the decision depends on the individual driver's preferences and priorities when selecting the ideal summer tyre.

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Mutual tests

Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test111
Maxxis Premitra HP5
Rating: Satisfactory
Pirelli P ZERO
Rating: Good
1- 2+3+
Show test details
Name WetDry
Best values in test1-1-
Maxxis Premitra HP5
Rating: Satisfactory
Pirelli P ZERO
Rating: Exemplary
1- 1-
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,228,7
Maxxis Premitra HP536,333,2
Pirelli P ZERO35,128,9
Show test details
Name Points totalWetDryRolling resistanceNoise
Best values in test1505539147
Maxxis Premitra HP5
Rating: Recommended
Pirelli P ZERO
Rating: Recommended
Show test details
Name Points total
Best values in test9,4
Maxxis Premitra HP5
Rating: Conditionally recommended
Pirelli P ZERO
Rating: Recommended
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