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Comparison: Falken ZIEX ZE310 Ecorun vs. Giti Premium H1

In this comparison, we are comparing a tyre from a manufacturer from Japan (Falken) against a tyre from a manufacturer from Singapore (Giti). Giti is a brand that belongs to the GT group. Generally, Falken summer tyres are slightly better rated (60%) than Giti (42%). In this particular case, the Falken ZIEX ZE310 Ecorun has a better rating of 81% compared to 51% of the Giti Premium H1. Important for this comparison is also the AutoMotorSport 2019 215/55 R17 test, where both the ZIEX ZE310 Ecorun and the Premium H1 were tested. If you wonder where the tyres in question are made, the ZIEX ZE310 Ecorun is made in Turkey and Premium H1 is made in China.

# Falken ZIEX ZE310 Ecorun
Giti Premium H1

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DimensionsR14 - R22 R16 - R18
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Mutual tests

Name Points totalWetDryEnviromental impact
Best values in test8,89,19,39,7
Falken ZIEX ZE310 Ecorun
Rating: Still recommended
Giti Premium H1
Rating: Still recommended
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