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Comparison: Dunlop Sport BluResponse vs. Uniroyal RainSport 3

In this comparison, both of the tyres are made by a brand from USA. Dunlop is a brand that belongs to the GoodYear group. Uniroyal is a brand that belongs to the Michelin group. Generally, Dunlop summer tyres are slightly better rated (60%) than Uniroyal (55%). In this particular case, the Dunlop Sport BluResponse has a better rating of 83% compared to 51% of the Uniroyal RainSport 3. The first tyre test of Dunlop Sport BluResponse was done in 2015, compared to 2016 when was the Uniroyal RainSport 3 first tested. Important for this comparison is also the Autobild 2016 205/55 R16 test, where both the Sport BluResponse and the RainSport 3 were tested. See more mutual tests below.

# Dunlop Sport BluResponse
Uniroyal RainSport 3

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DimensionsR14 - R17 R14 - R20
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Mutual tests

Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test2+1-1
Dunlop Sport BluResponse
Rating: Exemplary
Uniroyal Rainsport 3
Rating: -
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,627
Dunlop Sport BluResponse35,729,5
Uniroyal Rainsport 335,928,7
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