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Comparison: Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2 vs. Yokohama Advan Fleva V701

# Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2
Yokohama Advan Fleva V701

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In this comparison, we will take a look at two summer tyres, the Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2 and the Yokohama Advan Fleva V701. Both produced by well-known manufacturers, Dunlop and Yokohama, these tyres have been put to the test and reviewed by various users and experts. Let's dive into their strengths and weaknesses, test results and performance in overall mutual tests.

Starting off with the Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2, this Ultra-Ultra High Performance (UUHP) summer tyre has a rating of 85% on our website. Known for its short braking distance on dry surfaces and superior grip levels, it's a suitable tyre for those looking for maximum performance during warmer months. Although no previous models or newer tyres are available within this specific range, the Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2 remains a popular choice among performance-driven individuals.

On the other hand, the Yokohama Advan Fleva V701 holds a rating of 57% on our website. Also classified as a summer tyre, this particular model doesn't come under the UUHP category like its counterpart, the Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2. While not offering as high a level of performance, it still has some notable features, such as its enhanced wet and dry grip, fuel efficiency and overall handling. Similar to the Dunlop model, there are no previous or newer tyres within this range.

Moving on to their mutual test results, according to the Autobild test, the Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2 secured the 7th position out of 52 tyres, while the Yokohama Advan Fleva V701 ranked 15th. These results indicate that the Dunlop tyre performs better overall in comparison to the Yokohama model, offering superior performance on both dry and wet surfaces.

In conclusion, if you're in search of top performance tyres for warm seasons, the Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2 would be the go-to choice, particularly for those looking for Ultra-Ultra High Performance. However, if you're willing to slightly compromise on performance in favor of other features like fuel efficiency and handling, the Yokohama Advan Fleva V701 could be a suitable alternative.

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Mutual tests

Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test111
Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2
Rating: Good
Yokohama Advan Fleva V701
Rating: Satisfactory
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,228,7
Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT235,431,4
Yokohama Advan Fleva V70135,232,9
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Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test1-1-1
Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2
Rating: Exemplary
Yokohama Advan Fleva V701
Rating: Conditionally recommended
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,134,6
Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT234,438,3
Yokohama Advan Fleva V70134,940,2
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