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Comparison: Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2 vs. Pirelli P ZERO

# Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2
Pirelli P ZERO

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In this comparison, we take a look at two high-performance summer tyres: the Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2 and the Pirelli P ZERO. Both tyres are well-known in the market and have been tested extensively in various conditions.

The Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2 is a UUHP (Ultra-Ultra High Performance) tyre with an 85% rating from our tests. It offers reliable grip and handling in wet and dry conditions. This tyre has not been replaced by a newer model, so it continues to be a popular option among drivers looking for high performance and safety. More information about the Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2 can be found here.

On the other hand, the Pirelli P ZERO is a summer tyre made in Italy, with an 88% rating from our tests. Known for its exceptional grip and handling in various conditions, this tyre also has not been replaced by a newer model. To learn more about the Pirelli P ZERO tyre, visit its page here.

Now let's take a closer look at the test results for both tyres:

In the Autobild test, the Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2 secured the 11th position among 53 tyres, while the Pirelli P ZERO ranked 4th, excelling in dry handling. The Gute-Fahrt tests placed the Dunlop tyre in 3rd position out of 10 tyres, with the tyre's best features being its aquaplaning resistance, both cross and longitudinal. In the same test, the Pirelli P ZERO ranked 7th, with its wet circle cornering being the best feature.

The Automotorsport tests saw the Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2 securing 2nd position among 8 total tyres, whereas the Pirelli P ZERO ranked 5th. In the Sportscars tests, the Dunlop tyre ranked 5th out of 9 tyres, while the Pirelli tyre took the 6th position. Finally, in the GTÜ tests, the Dunlop tyre came in 3rd place out of 14 tyres. The Pirelli P ZERO ranked 4th in the same test.

To sum up, the Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2 has proven its strength in aquaplaning resistance, making it a reliable choice for wet road conditions. However, the Pirelli P ZERO has outperformed the Dunlop tyre in mutual tests, securing a higher overall ranking, and demonstrating its excellent dry handling capabilities.

For more information about each of these tyres and their respective manufacturers, visit the Dunlop and Pirelli pages on our website.

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Mutual tests

Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test32,128,7
Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT234,333
Pirelli P ZERO34,834,6
Show test details
Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2
Rating: Very good -
Pirelli P ZERO
Rating: Good +
Show test details
Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test111
Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2
Rating: Good
Pirelli P ZERO
Rating: Good
1- 2+3+
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,228,7
Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT235,431,4
Pirelli P ZERO35,128,9
Show test details
Name Points total
Best values in test9,4
Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2
Rating: Still recommended
Pirelli P ZERO
Rating: Recommended
Show test details
Name WetDry
Best values in test2+1-
Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2
Rating: Satisfactory
Pirelli P ZERO
Rating: Satisfactory
Show test details
Name Points totalWetDryRolling resistanceNoise
Best values in test9,49,69,51010
Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2
Rating: Highly recommended
9,08,99,110 8
Pirelli P ZERO
Rating: Recommended
Show test details
Name Points totalWetDryRolling resistanceNoise
Best values in test2781461432510
Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2263133130199
Pirelli P ZERO263133130139
Show test details