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Comparison: BFGoodrich G-Grip All Season 2 vs. Pirelli Cinturato All Season Plus

# BFGoodrich G-Grip All Season 2
Pirelli Cinturato All Season Plus

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When comparing tyres, each model's abilities and efficiencies can differ from one to another. The two tyres in this comparison are the BFGoodrich G-Grip All Season 2 and the Pirelli Cinturato All Season Plus. Both manufactured by leading tyre companies BFGoodrich and Pirelli respectively.

According to our test results, the BFGoodrich G-Grip All Season 2 achieved an overall rating of 48%, while Pirelli Cinturato All Season Plus scored a slightly elevated rating at 50%. Despite being closely contested, neither of the tyres has been replaced with a newer model, indicating that both models are still trusted and utilised in the current market.

As suggested from the Autobild 2020 tyre test, the BFGoodrich G-Grip All Season 2 ranked 14 out of 27 tyres tested. The tyre displayed strong attributes such as exterior noise reduction, comfort, and excellent performance on snow (including snow braking, cornering, and handling). However, it seemed to underperform on wet surfaces, leading to understeering.

On the other hand, the Pirelli Cinturato All Season Plus came in at the 10th position in the same test. This tyre outperformed in dry braking, exterior noise reduction, and demonstrated lower rolling resistance. However, its drawbacks included lengthened braking distances and understeering on snowy and icy surfaces.

Looking at the bigger picture, both tyres display different strengths and weaknesses. For drivers who experience more snowfall and wish for a comfortable and quieter ride, the BFGoodrich G-Grip All Season 2 might be the better option. However, for those who drive in dryer conditions and wish to conserve fuel with lower rolling resistance, the Pirelli Cinturato All Season Plus could be a better option.

Even though the Pirelli tyre scored slightly higher, it's essential to fit the best tyre to match your driving conditions and preferences. As shown, both tyres are reliable all-round choices.

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Mutual tests

Name WetDrySnowRunning costs
Best values in test12+11
BFGoodrich G-Grip All Season 2
Rating: Good
2-21 2
Pirelli Cinturato All Season Plus
Rating: Satisfactory
22+ 3+2+
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test39,745
BFGoodrich G-Grip All Season 243,151
Pirelli Cinturato All Season Plus39,851,1
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test39,546,3
BFGoodrich G-Grip All Season 244,654,1
Pirelli Cinturato All Season Plus44,551,9
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test39,445,2
BFGoodrich G-Grip All Season 244,852,8
Pirelli Cinturato All Season Plus45,850,7
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