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Comparison: BFGoodrich Advantage vs. Cooper Zeon CS8

# BFGoodrich Advantage
Cooper Zeon CS8

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On our tyre tests database, we present to you data on two summer tyres, the BFGoodrich Advantage and the Cooper Zeon CS8. The data compiled here is based on numerous tests, analyzed and verified to provide reliable information for potential tyre users. The aim is to give an accurate verdict on these tyres, revealing their strengths and weaknesses.

The BFGoodrich Advantage<\/a>, manufactured by BFGoodrich<\/a>, obtained a rating of 76% from us. In the Autobild tests, this tyre secured 18th and 21st position out of 53 and 50 tyres tested respectively. Its top features include good comfort and dry handling. The BFGoodrich Advantage displayed dynamic dry handling teamed with a quiet rolling noise, and low rolling resistance. The price point is also reasonably affordable. However, it seems to have a tendency to understeer in wet conditions and some limitations with handling and braking distances in the wet as well.

On the other hand, the Cooper Zeon CS8 is manufactured in Great Britain by Cooper<\/a> and received a rating of 56% from us. In the Autobild tests, it was positioned 26th and 33rd out of 53 and 50 tyres respectively. This tyre displayed good performance on wet roads but it was marked down for its poor dry performance and low efficiency. It also showed significant weaknesses in terms of mileage and wear, and its overall environmental footprint seems to be an issue as well.

If we look at the tests results, the BFGoodrich Advantage performs better overall than the Cooper Zeon CS8. Neither of these tyres has been replaced by a newer model till now.

Consequently, if you place a higher emphasis on better dry handling and more comfort, the BFGoodrich Advantage might be the better choice for you. However, if wet condition performance stands as a priority for you, and you are willing to compromise on the tyre's dry handling, efficiency, mileage, and wear, then you might want to go for the Cooper Zeon CS8.

Please note that personal preference varies, and therefore, it is important to consider which features matter to you the most before making a decision.

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Mutual tests

Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test35,425,8
BFGoodrich Advantage37,429,1
Cooper Zeon CS838,933,0
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Name Enviromental impactDriving safety
Best values in test1,31,8
BFGoodrich Advantage
Rating: Good
Cooper Zeon CS8
Rating: Sufficient
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test35,727,5
BFGoodrich Advantage36,331
Cooper Zeon CS839,131,3
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,129,6
BFGoodrich Advantage36,731,9
Cooper Zeon CS838,034,5
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