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Comparison: tyres similar to Kumho Ecsta PS71

Looking for a comparison of Kumho Ecsta PS71 to tyres that are made in similar dimensions? Here you can find detailed information based on tests, reviews and manufacturer's data.

# Kumho Ecsta PS71
Uniroyal RainSport 3
Uniroyal RainSport 5
Nokian Powerproof
Hankook Ventus S1 evo3 K127
Firestone Roadhawk
Falken Azenis FK510
Fulda SportControl 2
Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2

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DimensionsR16 - R22 R14 - R20 R15 - R21 R17 - R20 R17 - R22 R15 - R21 R17 - R99 R17 - R20 R17 - R21

In this comparison, we will review and provide the test results of two summer tyres - the Kumho Ecsta PS71 and the Uniroyal RainSport 3. These tyres are manufactured by Kumho and Uniroyal, respectively. We will discuss their strengths and weaknesses, mutual test positions, and overall performance in tests.

Kumho Ecsta PS71

The Kumho Ecsta PS71 is a summer tyre with a customer rating of 79%. This tyre has not been replaced by a newer model and there are no previous models to consider. The PS71 is mainly known for its good dry performance and comfortable ride. However, it also presents some weaknesses, such as a relatively lower wet grip.

In the Autobild test, the Kumho Ecsta PS71 ranked 18th out of 53 tyres tested. This position suggests that it is a decent choice for summer driving and could be a good option for drivers looking to balance key features for dry and wet conditions.

Uniroyal RainSport 3

On the other hand, the Uniroyal RainSport 3 is also a summer tyre with a slightly lower customer rating of 78%. The RainSport 3 has not been replaced by a new model either, and there are no previous models to consider as well. The Uniroyal tyre is famous for its excellent wet grip and aquaplaning properties. However, it may not be the best choice when it comes to dry performance and wear.

In the Autobild test, the Uniroyal RainSport 3 had a slightly lower ranking compared to the Kumho Ecsta PS71, coming in at 21st out of 53 tested tyres. This shows that the RainSport 3 is a good option for drivers who prioritize wet performance and are willing to compromise on dry conditions and wear characteristics.


Both the Kumho Ecsta PS71 and the Uniroyal RainSport 3 have their own set of strengths and weaknesses. If you are looking for a tyre with good dry performance and a comfortable ride, the Kumho Ecsta PS71 is the better choice. However, if you prioritize excellent wet grip and aquaplaning properties, the Uniroyal RainSport 3 might be the right option for you.

In terms of their performance in mutual tests, both tyres fall into the middle of the ranking in the Autobild test, with the Kumho Ecsta PS71 being a slightly better choice overall. Ultimately, the decision between these two tyres depends on your specific driving preferences and the conditions you typically encounter during the summer months.

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Dimensions and prices

Mutual tests

Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test11-1
Kumho Ecsta PS71
Rating: Conditionally recommended
1 23-
Uniroyal Rainsport 3
Rating: Satisfactory
Nokian Powerproof
Rating: Good
1- 2+2-
Hankook Ventus S1 evo3 K127
Rating: Satisfactory
Firestone Roadhawk
Rating: Good
Falken Azenis FK510
Rating: Exemplary
Fulda SportControl 2
Rating: Good
Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2
Rating: Satisfactory
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test32,128,7
Kumho Ecsta PS7134,929
Uniroyal Rainsport 335,732,4
Nokian Powerproof32,929,1
Hankook Ventus S1 evo3 K12734,730,3
Firestone Roadhawk34,330,8
Falken Azenis FK5103630,7
Fulda SportControl 234,231,7
Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT234,333
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,228,7
Kumho Ecsta PS7137,131,6
Uniroyal Rainsport 337,432,3
Hankook Ventus S1 evo3 K12735,228,7
Firestone Roadhawk35,232
Falken Azenis FK5103629
Fulda SportControl 235,132
Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT235,431,4
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